
Hello holidays, good bye 2012

Hello How are you people? Phew! at least I finish the Uni and have some time for relaxing and of course, make more of this hobbie :] It took me a bunch of time, but now you can download almost of the mods which was in Nakido(it was a pain download even one mod) Shamshel, Kid, Morrigan, the first version of Pixie Hiyori and more, you can found them in DLC (BOX, MF, SKYDRIVE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE) I hope i'll able to make a remod of all my old mods.. About problems for download from DLC: I saw Skydrive now have some of limitations for download many files at once, looks like is neccesary an account for that. Tried with my own files and from other people (from USA, Japan) any file, and yes, have limitations as anonymous. In box I don't found problems in others pcs, but some people said they have.. And already upload at least 90% of the mods in MF, but looks not activitie from people, i guess it have problems also. Open to ideas about where upload files. Another year it's gone... Just want to wish the best for you, your family, friends; the best for this world, and everyone get opportunities for get any success which can have. best regards sincerely jinshio

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